This is a recreational basketball league for boys and girls in 3rd-6th grades that attend or reside in the Bethel School District. Participants are placed on teams by grade and school and play at BSD school gyms.
Practices: held on weeknights and begin the week of January 3.
Games: Teams will play 6 games on weeknights and Saturdays beginning Sat, January 21-February 25.
Cost: $70
Register anytime online- October 16-November 13
Important: Please register by the deadline, NOVEMBER 13. To register late (after November 13) you will need to enroll on the wait list. Late registration may result in the player not playing with their school or possibly not playing at all. A Program Coordinator will contact you if your child is able to be placed on a team.
A late fee of $10 will be issued after the deadline.
Volunteer coaches needed. Contact a program Coordinator for more information: &
Player Eligibility for Bethel Rec. Programs
1) NO JEWELRY can be worn. This includes earrings (taping is not allowed)!
1) All participants, parents, coaches and spectators are required to follow the Bethel Rec. Code of Conduct.
2) Participants must attend a BSD school or live within the boundaries of the Bethel School District.
3) Students who reside within Bethel School District that choose Home school/private school/other, must provide the office a birth certificate and proof of residency within 2 days after the close of registration.
4) Must be in Kindergarten 2024/2025 School Year.