Every Bethel Recreation employee must:

1) Complete the short survey for the position you are applying for: 




 UMPIRES (Students & Adults): 



 2) Complete an online employment application form & employment packet. Please click on the following links:

  • Minors:  Minor Application 24-25   &  2024-2025 MINOR- Employment Packet      PLEASE CLICK AND FILL OUT BOTH LINKS 

    Adults: Adult Application 24-25  &  2024-2025 ADULT- Employment Packet          PLEASE CLICK AND FILL OUT BOTH LINKS


    3)  Provide TWO forms of identification with your employment packet: 

    • (1) Current government issued photo ID (Drivers License, State ID, Passport, Military ID, or Military Dependent ID)
    • (1a) Current 24/25 BHS Student ASB is acceptable for identification verification (will need a government issued photo ID to cash checks)
    • (1) Secondary Government Issued ID (Social Security Card, Passport, or Birth Certificate)


    4)  Pass TWO (2) FREE on-line tests for Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Concussion In Youth Sports at the following link:  NFHSLEARN

    *Completion certificates must be uploaded into the BSD volunteer application system for your background check. See #5


    5) Complete a volunteer background check through the Bethel School District volunteer application system.  Please click on the following link: 

    BSD BACKGROUND CHECK LINK once created attach all of the required uploads; Photo ID, 2 training certificates & BSD Parent Permission Slip (STUDENTS).

    ADULTS - are required to be fingerprinted and will have a national background check run. Contact our office for information about fingerprinting.



    Minors/Students on the BSD Background Check Link Above #5: 

    • For checklist Item: National background check-don't click on the link to fill it out.  Click the radio button "YES" AND SAVE. You are a minor and will only have a WSP background run.  
    • If you are 18 and still in high school, please fill out the minor application items even though you are 18 as you are still a student.

    Employment packets and identification may be scanned, emailed, mailed or dropped off in our office. 

     Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-3:30 PM at the address below


    BR Contact Info: 

    Pam Cox, Secretary

    Email Address:    bethelrecinfo@bethelrec.org 

    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4250 Spanaway, WA 98387     

    Office Address: Bethel Learning Center 21818 38th Ave E  Spanaway, WA 98387

    Phone: 253-800-4301

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