Section 1: To be eligible a player must:

1.     Live within the Bethel School District boundaries or attend a school in the Bethel School District.

 2.     Be in the appropriate grade level that is offered and play for the grade they are enrolled in.


·       A child has previously been a member of a team and the child was held back at school (the child may continue to play for his/her previous team).

Section 2:  Students who reside within the Bethel School District who are home school, private school or attend schools outside of the Bethel         
            School District will follow the process below:

1.     Must provide birth certificate and proof of residency within 2 days after enrollment. Once a birth certificate is received another one is not required.  Proof of residency is required each school year.

2.     Must be 5 years old by the Bethel School District’s cut off for attending school and in kindergarten (August 31st).

3.     Must play for the public school of their residency.

4.     Children attending private schools within the Bethel School District boundaries will play for the public school nearest to that private school.


·       If the private school has enough players to complete a team, they may have their own team.

Section 3:  Children attending special programs in the Bethel School District:

1.     Children bussed out of their resident school for special programs (Endeavor program, etc.) may play for their school of residence (not to include Elk Plain School of Choice – not a resident school) or play for the school they attend.



Section 1: Regular Online Registration:

1.     All participants must have a completed registration filled out online and have paid the registration fee during the regular published registration dates. Registrations that are canceled will incur a $10 refund/cancelation fee.

Section 2: Scholarship Registrations:

1.     Completed Scholarship Applications MUST be submitted to the Bethel Rec. Office no later than 7-days PRIOR to the closing of registration to be reviewed for the current program.

2.     All approved scholarship children must be registered and paid (the reduced price of 50% off the regular registration fee) before the closing of the regular registration period.

Section 3: Wait List Process:

1.     Any child that missed the regular registration may register online for the wait list. 

2.     Children on the wait list are not guaranteed to be placed on a team or if placed, not with their school.

3.     Children will only be approved and placed on a team by the program coordinator and the Bethel Rec. Director.

4.     Children approved to be placed on a team will be required to pay an additional $10.00 (late fee) to the regular registration fee and will not be able to participate until the fees are paid.

5.     Children added to teams late will not be guaranteed a shirt or if a shirt is provided, it may not be available for the first game or team photo.

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