All practices and games are canceled tonight, Wednesday, March 26 due to anticipated weather conditions.
Games will be rescheduled. Please stay safe!
Program Duration: April 14-June 14
Regular Registration is closed but you can still enroll on the waitlist.
Please click on the following link to enroll: K-8th Baseball 2025 (Spring II 2025)
JUNE 16, 17 & 18
WHO: Boys & Girls 3rd-8th grades in the fall
TIME: 9:00AM-11:30AM
LOCATION: Art Crate Stadium
COST: $60 (includes t-shirt)
Registration Deadline: JUNE 1
Please click the following link to register:
Bethel Youth Soccer Camp-7th Annual (Summer 2025)
Please click on the following link for more info and to register : K-8th Baseball 2025 (Spring II 2025)
SEASON RUNS: April 14-June 14
Boys & Girls K-8th Grades
T-Ball, Coach Pitch, FastPitch, Baseball
Practices: On weeknights and begin the week of April 14
Games: Played on Saturdays and weeknights Mon-Thur and begin April 26-June 14
Help support Bethel youth sports by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!
Fred Meyer is donating 2.5 million per year to non-profits based on where their customers tell them to give.
Simply link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Bethel Recreation.
Link your Rewards Card now at:
Thank you for supporting Bethel Recreation & the youth of our community!
Click here to signup for text and email communications
Who: Girls 3rd-8th grades in the fall
Time: 12:00PM-2:30PM
Where: Bethel High School Gyms
Cost: $70 (includes camp t-shirt)
Click on the following link to register: Bethel Volleyball Camp (Summer 2025)
Bethel Recreation Association is looking for a few passionate and outgoing volunteer board members to lead and strengthen our youth sports programs. We are seeking individuals who exhibit the following qualities:
If you can contribute your time and leadership, and are interested in exploring this opportunity, please email a letter of interest to Also complete an application at the following link: BOARD APPLICATION LINK
For more information about the Bethel Recreation Association and the Board of Directors we have attached an informational sheet.
BR Board Info Sheet
Questions? Contact us at 253-800-4301
To all of our great volunteer coaches! Without volunteer coaches we would not be able to offer our kids these opportunities.
Your commitment, time, energy and efforts are truly appreciated!
This is a recreational soccer league for boys and girls in K-6th grades.
Practices: Begin the week of Feb 24
Games: Played Weeknights & Saturdays March 8-April 5
Click on the following link for Dick's Sporting Goods Coupons:
Player Eligibility for Bethel Rec. Programs
1) NO JEWELRY can be worn. This includes earrings (taping is not allowed)!
1) All participants, parents, coaches and spectators are required to follow the Bethel Rec. Code of Conduct.
2) Participants must attend a BSD school or live within the boundaries of the Bethel School District.
3) Students who reside within Bethel School District that choose Home school/private school/other, must provide the office a birth certificate and proof of residency within 2 days after the close of registration.
4) Must be in Kindergarten 2024/2025 School Year.